Thursday 14 December 2017

The Cremation of Sam McGee

We're loading our wood Kiln today, and I always like to begin the firing by reciting this poem. My first wood firing one of the students at the time recited it from Memory. Thats always stayed with me.

Another week in paradise. Now I'm back onto great things in my studio life, discussing challenging and making. Its been difficult outside though, my computer has gone the way of the Dodo so its less convenient now to do the extra. 

I've got so many ideas right now about what I'm doing for my thesis. The major overarching concept was to put together an installation of pottery like you'd see in a museum. I've always been interested in the way things are presented. But rather than it being called installation, the word Accumulation has come about from on high. Maybe thats a better way of describing what it is that I see.

Safety First

Edge of Chaos

Bottoms up

Hey, I learnt how to wright my name in Mandarin

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